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Seizure References – Articles of Seizures

Seizure References

The following articles are particularly informative when it comes to seizure references as they pertain to traumatic brain injury seizures or epilepsy.

  • Barnhill JL & Gualtieri CT. (1990). Two cases of late-onset psychosis after head injury. Neuropsych, Neuropsychol, Behavioral Neurol, 4, 65-85.
  • Blumer D, Heilbronn M & Himmelhoch J. (1988). Indications for carbamazepine in mental illness: atypical psychiatric disorder or temporal lobe syndrome? Comprehensive Psych, 29, 108-122.
  • Daly DD. (1982). Complex partial seizures. In: Laidlaw J & Richens A, eds. Textbook of epilepsy. Edinburg: Churchill Livingstone, 131-47.
  • Devinsky 0 & Luciano D. (1991). Psychic phenomena in partial seizures. Seminars in Neurology, 11, 100-9.
  • Elliot FA. (1982). Neurological findings in adult minimal brain dysfunction and the dyscontrol syndrome. J Nervous Ment Dis, 11, 680-7.
  • Foster RC, Hampson RE, West MO & Deadwyler SA.,(1988). Control of sensory activation of granule cells in the fascia detata by extrinsic afferents: septal and entorhinal input. J Neurosci, 10, 3869-78.
  • Gloor P. (1991). Neurobiological substrates of ictal behavioral changes. In: Smith D, Trieman D & Trimble MD, eds. Advances in neurology, neurobehavioral problems in epilepsy. New York: Ravens Press.
  • Goldstein G. (1984). Neuropsychological assessment of psychiatric patients. In: Goldstein G, ed. Advances in clinical neuropsychology, Vol. 1. New York: Plenum Press, 55-87. .
  • Gorman LL, Roberts RJ, Hines M & Varney NR. (1990). Dichotic listening is more sensitive than standard EEG to cerebral dysfunction in patients with multiple seizure symptoms. J Clin Exper Neuropsychol, 12, 76.
  • Graham DI, Adams JH & Gennarelli TA. (1987). Pathology of brain damage in head injury. In: Cooper PR, ed. Head injury. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 72-88.
  • Gurdjian ES & Gurdjian ES. (1976). Cerebral contusions: reevaluation of the mechanism of their development. J Trauma, 16, 35-51.
  • Hayes SG & Goldsmith BK. (1991). Psychosensory symptomatology in anticonvulsant-responsive psychiatric illness. Ann Clin Psych, 3, 27-35.
  • Isaacson ROL & Pribram KH. (1975). The hippocampus. New York, NY: Plenum Press.
  • Jonas AD. (1985). Ictal and subictal neurosis. Springfield, IL: CC Thomas.
  • Miles R & Wong RK. (1983). Single neurons can initiate synchronized population discharge in the hippocampus. Nature, 24, 371-3.
  • Monroe RR. (1970). Episodic behavioral disorders: a psychodynamic and neurophysiologic analysis. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Monroe RR. (1982). Limbic ictus and atypical psychoses. J Nervous Ment Dis, 12, 711-16.
  • Neppe VM & Kaplan C. (1988). Short-term treatment of atypical spells with carbamazepine. Clin Neuropharmacol, 11, 287-9.
  • Neppe VM, Bowman BR & Sawchuk KSLJ. (1991). Carbamazepine for atypical psychosis with episodic hostility. J Nervous Ment Dis, 179, 439-41.
  • Oliver MW & Miller JJ. (1985). Alterations of inhibitory processes in the dental gyrus following kindling-induced epilepsy. Exp Brain Res, 57, 443-7.
  • Ommaya AK & Gennarelli TA. (1974). Cerebral concussion and traumatic unconsciousness correlation of experimental and clinical observations on blunt head injuries. Brain, 97, 633-54.
  • Oppenheimer R. (1968). Microscopic lesions in the brain following head injury. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychol, 21, 299-306.
  • Pang D. (1989). Physics and pathophysiology of closed head in- jury. In: Lezak MD, ed. Assessment of the behavioral consequences of head trauma. Alan R Liss, 1-17.
  • Povlishock JT & Coburn TH. (1989). Morphopathological change associated with mild head injury. In: Lewis HS, Eisenberg HM & Benton AL, eds. Mild head injury. New York: Oxford University Press, 37-53. .
  • Prince DA. (1983). Mechanisms of epileptogenesis in brain slice model systems. Res Nervous Ment Dis, 61, 29-52.
  • Ribak CE, Bradburne MR & Harris BA. (1982). A preferential loss of gabaergic symmetric synapses in epileptic foci: a quantitative ultrastructual analysis of monkey neocortex. J Neurosci, 2, 1725-35.
  • Richardson E, Varney NR, Roberts RJ & Hines ME. (1989). Long-term sequelae of cerebral malaria in Vietnam veterans. VA Practitioner, 6, 51-62.
  • Roberts RJ, Paulsen JS, Marchman IN & Varney NR. (1989). MMPI profiles of patients who endorse multiple partial seizure symptoms. Neurapsychol, 2, 183-98.
  • Roberts RJ, Varney NR, Hulbert J, et al. (1990). The neuropathology of everyday life: the frequency of partial seizure symptoms among normals. Neurosychol, 4, 65-85.
  • Roberts RJ, Gorman LG, Lee GP & Varney NR. (1990). The phenomenology of multiple PCS symptoms: an under-recognized syndrome in the brain injured. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 118 (abstr.).
  • Roberts RJ, Varney NR, Paulsen JS & Richardson ED. (1990). Dichotic listening and complex partial seizures. J Clin Exp Neurapsychol, 12, 448-58.
  • Sperling MR & O’Connor MJ. (1990). Auras and subclinical seizures: characteristics and prognostic significance. Ann Neural, 28, 320-8.
  • Springer- JA, Garvey MJ, Varney NR & Roberts RJ. (j991). Dichotic listening failure in dysphoric neuropsychiatric patients who endorse multiple seizure-like symptoms. J Nervous Ment Dis, 179, 459-67.
  • Strich SJ. (1956). Diffuse degeneration of the cerebral white matter in severe dementia following head injury. J Neural, Neurosurg Psychol, 19, 163-85.
  • Tucker GJ, Price TRP, Johnson VB & McAllister T. (1986). Phenomenology of temporal lobe dysfunction: a link to atypical psychosis – a series of cases. J Nervous Ment Dis, 174, 348-56.
  • Varney NR, Hines ME, Bailey C, & Roberts RJ. (1992). Neuropsychiatric correlates of theta bursts in patients with closed head injury. Brain Injury, 6, 499-508.
  • Varney NR, Garvey M, Campbell D, Cook B & Roberts R. (1993). Identification of treatment resistant depressives who respond favorably to carbamazepine. Ann Clin Psych, 5, 117-22.
  • Varney NR, Bushnell D, Nathan M, et al. (in press). NeuroSPECT correlates of disabling “mild” head injury: preliminary findings. J Head Trauma Rehab, (in press).
  • Verduyn WH, Hilt J, Roberts MA & Roberts RJ. (1992). Multiple partial seizure-like symptoms following “minor” closed head injury. Brain Injury, 6, 245-60. .
  • Zappala G, & Cameron JS. (1990)- Subictal and interictal temporal lobe phenomena in traumatic brain injury: treatment with carbamazepine. Adv Brain Injury Rehab, 1, 3-4.
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