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Senator Udall Calls For Investigation Of Football Helmet Safety

Sen. Tom Udall, D-N.M., is expected to make some noise about football helmets during a hearing Thursday, calling for a probe into the safety of such protective headgear, The New York Times reported Tuesday.  Udall has written to the Consumer Product Safety Commission…

Jockey Sustains A Concussion In Racetrack Collision Of Two Horses

A jockey was knocked unconscious and his mount was fatally injured, fracturing its skull, in a horrifying accident at Aqueduct Raceway in New York Saturday. Two thoroughbreds collided into each other at full speed during a race at the track in…

New York Mayor Bloomberg’s Daughter Suffers Concussion After Horse Jump

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s younger daughter was set to undergo additional tests Monday after sustaining a concussion during a fall while performing at an equestrian tournament. Georgina Bloomberg, 27,  was briefly unconscious and fractured several vertebrae Friday when she…

Neurologists Say Athletes With Suspected Concussions Should Be Removed From Game Until Evaluation

The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Monday called for any athlete who is suspected of having a concussion to be removed from play until he or she is evaluated by a doctor trained in evaluating and managing sports concussion. That request is one…

New Mothers Show Brain Growth After Giving Birth

 Childbirth apparently leads to bigger brains for new moms, according to a recent study. The research, spearheaded by Dr. Pilyoung Kim with the National Institute of Mental Health, found that becoming a mother may not be so much “an instinctive response…

New Jersey Girl’s ‘Inoperable’ Brain Tumor Removed With Laser Treatment

A 10-year-old girl from Howell, N.J., may owe her life to an experimental laser procedure that “burned” a tumor from deep within the child’s brain. The Star-Ledger of Newark wrote a story, headlined “Tackling the ‘Inoperable,’” Friday about Madison Beggs, who is…