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Pentagon Says Military Health Care Won’t Be Spared In Budget Cuts

The Pentagon’s plans to cut billions of dollars from its budget likely means that military health care costs won’t be spared, but will also come under the knife. Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced Monday that he was making major cuts in…

Army Report Blames Skyrocketing Soldier Suicides On Drug And Alcohol Abuse, Lax Oversight

In the case of the U.S. military, tragically the enemy is often ourselves, according to an Army report released Thursday. The startling report found that increased drug and alcohol abuse among soldiers is contributing to a skyrocketing suicide rate…

Toxic Sand Suspected Of Damaging Brains Of Our Troops In Afghanistan

Our soldiers in Afghanistan may be facing brain damage from not only bombs and bullets, but from toxic sand, according to a study by the Navy.|main|dl1|link3| The dust that’s blown around during sandstorms contains manganese and other materials that…