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Historic Sotomayor confirmation hearings under way

With the hearings commencing today to confirm Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, the Republicans get to dominate the headlines with their attacks on an experienced, liberal judge, because she believed in Affirmative Action. The Connecticut Fire fighters case will wrongly dominate the news of the confirmation of this judge who reach thousands of decisions in her years on the bench. Yet the Rush Limbaugh influenced part of the Republican party will try to make her qualifications about what they call “racism”, not whether she brings to the Court, a great mind which will help to shape our law into the future. By selecting Sotomayor for the bench, President Obama will help to restore a more civil liberty, consumer rights approach to American law. By attacking the first Hispanic woman nominated, the Republican’s may lose any political traction in this growingly important, swing ethnic group.
Attorney Gordon Johnson

Date: 7/13/2009 10:01 AM

WASHINGTON (AP) — In the glare of bright lights, Sen. Patrick Leahy called to order confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor that she hopes will make history and knows will be closely followed by millions.

It was all happening in a large, square Senate office building hearing room, relatively unadorned compared to the cavernous sancturaries elsewhere on Capitol Hill. Leahy banged the gavel and looked straight into the eyes of the 55-year-old native New Yorker, welcoming her to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Sotomayor (SUHN’-ya soh-toh-my-YOR’) would be the first Hispanic and third woman to sit on the high court bench. A smiling Sotomayor greeted some senators and took her seat, ready to hear opening statements and make her own case publicly for the first time.

The drama and tension of the moment was palpable as senators took their seats, photographers jockeyed for position and the hearing room was filled to capacity.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press.

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